December 2023 GrepBeat Happy Hour

GrepBeat hosted a holiday-themed Happy Hour on Thursday, Dec. 14, at the Lonerider location in Durham thanks to our great sponsor, Fourscore Business Law. In honor of the season, the trivia questions were all about holiday movies. And yes, Die Hard is most certainly a Christmas movie!

Here are the questions if you’d like to play along at home:

Q. In the movie Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin alone?
A. Paris

Q. In the movie A Christmas Story, what is the name of Ralphie’s younger brother?
A. Randy

Q. In the movie Elf, what is the name of Buddy’s younger half-brother?
A. Michael

Q. In the 1964 TV movie Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, what is the name of Rudolph’s elf friend, who wants to be a dentist?
A. Hermie

Q. In the movie Die Hard, what alias does Hans Gruber use when he meets John McClane for the first time, outside the elevator?
A. Bill (William) Clay

If you weren’t able to make it—or want to relive the experience—please check out the photos below.

About Pete McEntegart 95 Articles
I've worn many hats, but my current chapeau* is as Managing Editor of GrepBeat, which covers the Raleigh-Durham tech scene, especially tech startups. Sign up for our Tuesday-Thursday email newsletter at Hope to see you around the Triangle! (*chapeau is French for "pretentious")