In The Soup: Leveraging Open-Source AI vs. Building Your Own Custom Models

Happy In the Soup Wednesday! In this week’s episode, hosts Jenn Summe of Primordial and Melissa Crosby of Colopy Ventures are chatting with some artificial intelligence (AI) experts about when you should leverage open-source AI versus building your own models. Plus: some discussion and advice on how to avoid chiggers.

Their guests this week are two Primordial-invested founders who both have AI as integral parts of their startups: Tina Tang of Bristles and Austin Armstrong of Syllaby.

Listen to the episode below and subscribe so you’ll never miss a week!

About Kaitlyn Dang 96 Articles
Kaitlyn is a reporter covering tech startups and entrepreneurs. Before starting at GrepBeat, she graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a degree in media and journalism in May 2023. She has written for The Daily Tar Heel. In her spare time, she likes seeing live music and reviewing movies.